Missionhurst-CICM is an exclusively Missionary Institute of religious priests and brothers. Its members are called to go beyond geographical and religious boundaries to share Jesus Christ with all those who do not know him. To be ready to leave our country is a basic requirement in the life of each member of the Congregation. It is an option that constitutes an essential trait of our CICM identity and that profoundly marks our history. It's members come from different nationalities, races, and cultures, yet we live and work together as brothers.
We love and respect the people to whom we are sent.
We adopt a listening attitude and try to gain a knowledge and understanding of their socio-economic, political, cultural and religious realities.
We foster attitudes which reflect these values, and cooperate with initiatives which promote them.
Through dialogue, we mutually purify and strengthen our values and their expression.
Wherever we work and whatever our specific tasks, we try to respond to situations of misery, injustice and oppression and to understand their causes. In our work for a new world we are always inspired by the Lord Jesus and his Gospel.
Today, almost about 841 priests and brothers from Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and North America, continue serving and caring for God’s poorest and most neglected people around the world.