The Congregation is an international religious missionary institute. We are sent to the nations to announce the Good News, wherever our presence is most needed. Initial Formation is entirely geared towards the religious missionary lifeas lived in our institute.
Based on the Constitutions of CICM, the General Guidelines for Initial Formation and the Guidelines set by the Province, the characteristics listed below are used to assess an applicant's appropriateness for early stages of formation. A serious deificiency in one category can jeopardize admission. The candidate's age and experience may affect the degree to which he demonstrates these characteristics.
College students, college graduates, young professionals
Ages: 35 and below for priesthood; 35-40 years old for brothers
Sound physical and mental health
Has a sense of purpose, perspective and humor
Considers healthy intimacy as important
Can make a positive choicer for celibacy
An active Roman Catholic
Volunteer work experience in a parish
A person of faith and integrity
Can describe his relationship with God (Faith)
Ability to work in a multicultural and intercultural environment and relates with multi-cultural people
Has leadership ability
Demonstrates a desire and ability to serve generously
Ability to adapt to change.